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My Ceramics
Hier siehst du ein Teil meiner aktuellen und vergangenen Werke. All meine Keramik ist spülmaschinenfest, robust und für den alltäglichen Gebrauch.
Here are some of my current and past works. If you like them
2019 - today
I am continuing my journey by focussing on alternative firing methods (e.g. reduction firings, see 2018) and working with self made glazes. Nevertheless, the form plays an important role for each piece too.
In my new collection I am focusing on new glazes and firing methods. I try to keep the processes as natural as possible by using basic ingredients and adding local products I've gathered myself in nature. The new collection I fire with a gas kiln in reduction - this infuses each pot its own life and is responsible for dramatic glaze results.
For more pictures check out my instagram by clicking here or swing by at my studio and feel the pieces in your own hands.